Two weekends ago I thought it might be nice to get away to a Caribbean island, I am in the Caribbean after all. I’d heard and read that Islas San Bernardo had the clear turquoise water that dreams are made. That was all I needed to know to motivate me to take a rather lengthy trip for only having a weekend in which to do it.
Kären and I left on Friday afternoon at 3:30 and got as close to the islands as we could safely. Luckily, our colleague Gabriel suggested we take a bus to Sincelejo and then we could take any kind of transport to Tolú. We arrived at 9:30 and spent the night in Sincelejo, which was actually a nice little city. We got a laugh out of Kären’s sheets.
Saturday morning we arose early and headed to Tolú. We took a taxi, a buseta, and a bicycle taxi to finally wind up a little over an hour later at the boat tour place. Our tour to the islands would leave at 8:30, just enough time for an arepa de huevo y jugo de naranja.
We boarded the boat with about 40 other people and were off to the islands. I felt like a total tourist, but I really didn’t care. The first island had a tour of el Acquario, which was definitely not the right name for this place. It was kind of kitschy island folklore, zoo, aquarium, and museum put together. OK, I don't have a better name for it either.
We saw...
Since our trip to the Guajira Peninsula never happened due to the sharks (see: Sharks, Flamingoes, Guerillas, Oh My!), this was the first time in my life to see a real live flamingo. Aren't they weird looking? They almost look prehistoric. Apparently they along very well together as they seemed to be yelling and pecking at one another.
This is where we had lunch. It was the opposite of horrible
After a bit of shopping in Tolú, we took another buseta to the town of Coveñas. We passed through some gorgeous rural countryside that was illuminated in the pre-twilight time of day. Is there a word for that time? That night after finding a place to stay, I fell asleep extremely early and almost the second I hit the bed. Traveling, being in the sun and salt water is sublime, but it's also exhausting. Believe me, I am not complaining. I am smiling.
very good posting. i liked it. :-)