Wednesday, May 26, 2010



I am usually a label reader at the store. When I first got here it took me forever in the store. Now I’ve gotten used to what I like, so I don’t take as long or look at the labels that much, especially since you almost never find partially hydrogenated soybean oil in anything here.

Well, yeah, um I maybe should start being a bit more careful. One day Yoyi was in my bathroom and said, “Amor, por qué compraste esto?”
My answer was, “Porque necesito vitaminas, amor.”
Then he showed me that the vitamins I had bought were specially formulated for adults older than 50. I know I had a big birthday this year, but I’m not that old. Whoops! At least they were on sale. Yep, Centrum Silver.

Perhaps the vitamin snafu was even on the same day that I bought the shampoo. The shampoo was the same brand as the conditioner I have bought before, it comes in a bag making it a more environmentally sound option, and it smelled good. So, I didn’t really give it much more thought until I was in the shower a few day later and read embrión de pato y sábila. I knew sábila was aloe, so I initially thought embrión de pato must be some kind of plant too based on the picture. The thing that was bothering me about this is that pato means duck and I was thinking that embrión kind of sounded like embryo, but I thought that I was probably wrong. I looked up the word embrión and sure enough: embryo. Eehhhwww! Yuck!

I really wasn’t feeling happy about this, especially since in my normal life, during pre-Colombian times, I’m a pescetarian. I could never eat a duck. I tried to fool or console myself, “Embrión de pato must be some kind of plant like corazón de madre isn’t really your mother’s heart, it’s just a pretty pink leaf.” …And then I decided to ask Yoyi.

Yes, embrión de pato is duck embryo. Oh no! I’m eating chicken, I’m washing my hair with duck embryo, I’m nothing but a vegetarian disgrace. Who am I? Well, in all honesty it’s like the egg-white or something, but still, I’m not feeling thrilled with myself.

I don’t think I’ve felt this embarrassed since I accidentally bought the nursing bras. What?! They’re comfortable


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