Friday, November 20, 2009

El Día Ideal en la Costa Caribe

El Día Ideal en la Costa Caribe

This was the first day of a 3-day weekend and it was time to do something fun before my dental surgery. After the gym, I went to meet Yoyi in Prado Mar and when I arrived the waves had returned and there was a little surprise for me.

These were bigger than the itty-bitty waves on Halloween, these were respectable waves. I surfed, and laughed, and surfed some more. Yoyi and I surfed together, hence no photos.

Las olas han regresado

We went to find wax, because the long board was a little bit slippery. We didn’t find any, but we did find these…

Could it be turtle love?

When we returned to the beach, one of Yoyi’s friend’s had prepared lunch for us.

Deliciosa cojinua, patacones, y ensalada. Mira el gato.

He told me that if I had any clothes I didn’t want anymore that I should give them to her because she was a very special person to him. Yes, that and based on the houses people live in here on the beach, she obviously had almost nothing.

From having little... having even less

While we were eating it started getting windy and we ducked for cover under a palm thatched kiosko and finished eating our cojinua, patacones, y ensalada. Watching the storm roll in was somehow thrilling.

La tormenta viene

Some of the locals looked at me kind of like, "Who are you extranjera and what are you doing here?"

"Quien es la rubia gringa?"

The sky got darker...

kioskos y los nubes oscuro

... and darker

Then the storm blew over.

Yoyi suggested going to Catillo Salgar for the sunset, which sounded fantastic to me.

El Castillo

We walked all the way out to the edge of this wall with nothing but the wall and the waves crashing around below.

The sun did set and rather beautifully.


The waves were rather sizable back at Prado Mar, so a few people were surfing at night, but my camera did not let me take pictures because the flash wouldn't reach what I was trying to photograph. I did get this picture though.

Prado Mar at night

All in all this was the kind of serendipitous day I'd been hoping for. Ahh la costa.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing photos!!! Thanks for all the time you spend keeping us all up to date on your adventure.
